FOAB Information

Saturday 4 March 2023

Today is...World Obesity Day

The Red Cross has a shocking report that states more people in the world are now dying from obesity than malnutrition with 1.5 billion dangerously overweight people worldwide last year, while 925 million were underfed.
The US sits top in the OECD Obesity Table and Britain 7th and both of our nations have recently had leaders who were the exact opposite of being shining examples of weight maintenance and both were more likely to have found a Unicorn in their kitchen than a diet sheet but Jolly Johnson and Plump Trump are not the only overweight World leaders though, there are many who you wouldn't want to be in the way of when the buffet opened.
During the Coronovirus pandemic Boris Johnson said he had a lot on his plate and he certainly did which is why after he came out of hospital having contracted Coronavirus he vowed to lose weight to avoid any further health complications but having seen him lately that went about as well as his idea of not looking like he had been dragged through a bush backwards and then fed through a combine harvester.
It doesn't help when we are bombarded by advertisements for fast foods and sugar filled drinks but despite the cost to the NHS of obesity running at £5 billion, approximately the same as smoking, when was the last time we saw an advert urging us to eat less KFCs?
The idea of losing weight is to take in less calories then you expend during activities so if you eat or drink 3000 calories a day but only use 2000, that's a dress size up after a few weeks but if your hairdresser said eating chocolate for breakfast was good for you then it would be wise to take it with caution but when a scientist says it, wahey, shove the Corn Flakes where the Sun doesn't shine, where's that big bar of Aero!!
Spanish researchers have discovered that dark chocolate appears to make the metabolism work harder, offsetting the fat that otherwise might hang around. They also found dark chocolate had a positive effect on circulation, blood pressure and heart health and Tel Aviv University suggesting that eating dessert for breakfast supports weight loss.
Conclusive, cast iron proof then that combining chocolate with breakfast is beneficial so if anyone asks why you are stuffing your face with chocolate cake at 7am, it's part of a scientifically backed diet program.
That said if a scientist tries to give you advice on a layered crop with a softly arched fringe i'd check with the hairdresser.

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