FOAB Information

Monday 27 March 2023

Useless Compass

The Earth is a magnificent piece of engineering, created by the furnace of the Universe's creation, buffeted by other celestial bodies and honed over eons of time to the magnificent ball of rock we stand on today although it's not yet the finished article and continues to change and evolve which is why the
magnetic north pole just isn’t where it used to be.
Since it was first identified in the 19th Century, Magnetic North has been over Canada and it wiggled around at a sedate 9mph a year but since 2020 it has suddenly not only got a spurt on to a zippy 34 mph a year, but has left Canada and is heading towards Russia.
Remembering back to one of my school's science lessons when i wasn't looking out of the window and picturing Andrew Ridgely in budgie smugglers (it was the 80s), i recall that the Earth’s magnetic field is generated by molten iron in its outer core and it's the flow of this liquid iron which influences the location of the magnetic poles.
A man on TV with pens in the top pocket of his white Lab Coat explained that while poles have drifted and even swapped places numerous times over the course of Earth’s long history, what’s different about this recent shift is how quickly it’s happening.
Is it due to Climate Change, Earthquakes, Solar Winds or even one of the 4,000 major Gods making their presence felt?  Nope, it's due to a massive blob becoming two blobs.
Researchers from the United Kingdom and Denmark discovered that a continent sized blob of molten iron which was under Canada has been stretched and elongated beneath the Canada/Russia boundary since the 1970's and in 2020 it became so stretched that it split in two and the larger section shifted toward Russia and the magnetic pole followed it.
As for the effect on humans, it will only be a problem if we use a compass, navigation system or the maps on our smartphones but the mobile phone companies are on it and are releasing updates every 3 years rather than every 5 years to compensate for it so panic over, nothing to see here, continue about your business unless your business includes using a compass, basically you're screwed.

1 comment:

  1. The compass will point to magnetic north, which has shifted so it won’t be true hence screwed
