FOAB Information

Sunday 23 April 2023

Raab Guilty Of Caring Too Much

It really isn't a good look that if you are sacked for being a massive bullying arsewipe guilty of publicly humiliating civil servants to then issued an aggressive resignation letter blaming that the bar was set too low for what constitutes bullying.
When over 30 Civil Servants complain about you then most people would have a moment of reflection and contemplate if you are being too harsh but not Dominic Raab, he went for the excuse that his staff were unable to take the pace, standards and challenge that he demanded.
His high standards included when Brexit Secretary, not realising how reliant on the Dover-Calais crossing trade was and resigning because he couldn’t support a deal he himself had negotiated and when Foreign Secretary, just as the Afghan capital of Kabul fell to the Taliban and Civil Servants sent him a list of Afghan evacuation's to authorise, he sent it back as he didn't like the format it had been sent in by which time for many, it was too late.  
So Dom, remind us again how you demand from people the same high professional standards to which you hold yourself but for those oif us hoping we never hear from him again, we said that about Suella Braverman and she was back six days later being just as much as a massive, bullying arsewipe as she was before so with Rishi Sunak running things and his promise to run Government with integrity, he may not be gone just yet.

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