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Sunday 23 April 2023

The Real Cross, Honest Guv

When the Queen died, i was sad as anyone could be about a rich old woman who lived in a Palace and drove around in a solid gold carriage but that was tempered by getting a day off but now that the King's Coronation is rolling around, i have been told it's all hands on deck and i have to work so i'm on the side of those saying it's all a waste of money on pointless pageantry during a cost of living crisis and paid for out of my taxes so thank you very much but i'm not interested etc etc.
Then i read how the Pope is sending two splinters of the cross to be carried at the head of the coronation procession. The actual Jesus-died-on-it crucifix cross?
Leaving aside how they know it was THE actual cross and not just a bit of one a bread thief was nailed to (i imagine someone got God to take a look and he gave them the nod or something) or how the Roman's were kind enough to preserve the cross just in case a few splinters were needed during a foreign King's coronation over 2,000 years later, i am rather impressed.
Not impressed by the King's Coronation, that can bugger off, but if the splinters are authentic (spoiler: they aren't), but if they are then that is a massive amount of kudos is due to the Roman carpenters but then the Roman's did build things to last.
I go by an actual Roman Aquaduct most days and drive on Roman Road's so you can't say they didn't build things to last, including crucifixes it turns out, today if they wanted to nail a hippy to a cross they would use a cheap IKEA one which came with instructions to join section J to section C using two of the screw's in packet H which would invariably not be included and end with someone running over with a big tube of Gorilla Glue.
The sensible, logical part of me knows that it's just the Pope trying to palm off a couple of splinters his vacuum sucked up from the Vatican carpet as authentic, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die actual bits of the cross but i guess it could be worse, the Pope could have provided the fish for the Poached Cod and Egg Sauce being served at the post Coronation banquet saying honest guv, it was one of the actual fish left over from when he fed the thousands.

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