FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 April 2023

Today Is...Anniversary of NATO Being Created

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) celebrates its 73rd birthday today, an organisation that spent the first 42 years keeping its armies at home but since the implosion of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact in 1991, found a renewed willingness to send them in to battle for the next 31.
Iraq, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria have all been on the receiving end of NATO weaponry since 1991 as well as the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.
There isn't much that i agree on with the former orange lard-arse with the tiny hands in the White House but we were certainly uncomfortably on the same page on one issue even if we were there for different reasons.
When he was campaigning Donald Trump referred to NATO a few times and questioned its purpose which is something that i have found myself doing more and more since the fall of the Berlin Wall and since Communism ceased being the bogeyman NATO had to protect us from.
Since Gorby pulled the plug and the Berlin Wall fell over when Nirvana were in the charts, NATO has been at a bit of a loose end but instead of disbanding, the organisation needed to justify its existence and fell upon the idea of 'humanitarian interventions' as we saw in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria.
As a quick recap, Bush wanted to invade Afghanistan and Iraq but everyone else said woah you nutter and refused to sanction it at the UN so he teamed up with Tony Blair and NATO and long story short, 1m dead Iraqi's and a two decade war in Afghanistan which only just ended in defeat for the might of the 30 nation NATO.
For an Organisation which describes itself as a defensive unit, it sure has done a lot of attacking these recent years despite having a mission statement that they are: 'Committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes'.
While Putin's Russia is rightly castigated for its actions in invading Ukraine, it is incredulous that NATO is being held up as some sort of good guy when it is still cleaning the dust off its equipment from its latest regime change adventure.
What Russia is doing in Ukraine is abhorrent but then what NATO did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria was also. Where we see scared Ukrainian children today we saw plenty of scared Iraqi, Afghanistan, Libyan and Syrian children so it isn't one or the other, either Russia or NATO, because that's like deciding whether you want a punch in the head or a kick in the groin, both choices are awful and NATO and Putin are the same sides of a regime changing, very immoral coin.
When even someone who is such a babbling idiot as Donald Trump considers NATO 'obsolete', it really should consider calling it a day, lowering its flag and trundling off into the sunset.

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