FOAB Information

Saturday 22 April 2023

Today Is...International Mother Earth Day

I don't want to speak on behalf of Mother Earth but i would guess if we asked her who was the worst species out of the many who have lived on the third rock from the Sun over the 4.5 billion years it has existed, we would get a resounding reply of: 'You Human Lot'.
While the the dinosaurs never really caused her many problems, almost every environmental disaster over the past few centuries have been our fault and while she usually does step in and clear up our mess, even she is struggling with the Environmental path of destruction we are on now and it could be because as we
are obviously the problem, saving us from our own idiocy is somewhat low down on her list of give-a-tosses and actually it would be in her favour if we all just popped out of existence, so it's not in her interest to keep us all alive.
We turned up with an entire planet at our disposal and we could have soared ahead in so many ways but what did we do with the utopia we inherited?
We filled the clear blue skies with pollution, the beautiful oceans are now teeming with plastic, the ground has toxins that will poison the earth for tens of thousands of years, chopped down the forests that were actually providing the air for us to breathe and we hunted many other species sharing the planet with us
into extinction.
At some point Mother Earth will give us a reminder that this is her World and we are only squatting on it until she eventually gets around to knocking the lot of us off it, which believe me, she will do.


  1. Still with the classy language i see. Didn't retire from that i notice.

  2. Almost indeed
