FOAB Information

Sunday 2 April 2023

Today Is...Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a Christian feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter and marks the first day of Holy Week which culminates in eating your own weight in Chocolate which the Government accommodates by giving us a long Bank Holiday Weekend to do it.
If you find yourself in a Church today, you will probably be handed a palm branch which has been blessed by clergy which symbolises Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey the week before seeing Jerusalem from the vantage point of several feet up in the air, nailed to a wooden cross.
Today it would be waving from the back of a tank with a fly-past from a squadron of fighter jets but Jesus plumped for a donkey and not just any old donkey, he plonked himself down onto the foal of a donkey so today is celebrating a full grown man, a thirty-something former carpenter, riding into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey that was way too small for him and being greeted by folks throwing palm leaves in front of him.
Obviously his eventful week didn't end quite so triumphantly for him as it started and i expect he wished he had stayed at home and continued knocking out cheap wooden cupboards and spice-racks but as it ended up with a new religion for some and a fridge full of chocolate for others, everyone's a winner!

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