FOAB Information

Thursday 13 April 2023

Today Is...Project MKUltra Launched by CIA

 Most of the conspiracy theories doing the rounds these days are just too far out that they are easily dismissed and nobody but the most gullible will wonder about them.
By and large most conspiracy theories don't get out of the starting blocks so the idea of the CIA secretly experimented on it's own people with the help of NAZI scientists are the rantings of a lunatic...or are they?
You may want to keep filling your bunker with canned goods and keep that tin foil close by because while most conspiracy theories are nonsense, there are a few that actually aren't theories at all but actual history because they actually happened.
The CIA is a goldmine for conspiracy theorists but sometimes conspiracy theories turn out to be true as in the mind control experiments the American Government secretly performed in the 50s and 60s.
It was performed in strict secrecy because not only did it violate the Nuremberg codes after the trials of Nazi war criminals, they hired many of the NAZI scientists who had been working in concentration camps and had notes of their findings from Auschwitz and Dachau which they continued in America which, if the American people found out about, would cause an outcry.
The Project was to investigate mind-bending substances, techniques, and medical procedures to develop truth serums, mind-control drugs and determine what chemicals and methods had potential use for torture, assassination and espionage.
A variety of experiments were undertaken to understand the effects of powerful drugs on unsuspecting subjects. These were often done in conjunction with mental hospitals, prisons and universities to acquire the test subjects for the experiments.
As well as students and mental patients, prostitutes were given barbiturates mixed with amphetamines and LSD to try and make them spill their secrets and the CIA even set up brothel's to blackmail men into joining the experiment.   
Some of it worked, they did find certain drugs made people more pliable and easier to manipulate but most of it didn’t and John Lennon went as far as to thank the CIA and the American Army for inventing LSD although as they were not getting the required results, developed a series of super-hallucinogens such as BZ, which was a hunded times more powerful than LSD which resulted in the withdrawal of support by many academics and private researchers.
It all got exposed by The New York Times and the US Government led an inquiry but most of the documents were destroyed before the Government could get their hands on it so remember, while most conspiracy theories are debunkable with sixty seconds of thought, some of them are true.

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