FOAB Information

Sunday 28 May 2023

Getting Around To It Later Maybe

It's probably fair to say that the Ukraine has had other things on it's mind over the past year, what with Russia pounding it daily with missiles and i have failed to see British towns turned to rubble by an invading Superpower so how despite everything the Zelenskyy Government have managed to build more onshore wind turbines than us over the last 12 months is a bit of a head scratcher.
While Ukraine has managed to hoist 19 turbines providing 114 Megawatts of power into action, Britain has managed just 2 which isn't a great look when a governments fighting for their very survival can get on and build almost 10 times more than our Government could muster.
The Sunak Government did promise to ease planning restrictions to allow more wind turbines, which is the cheapest source of electricity, to be built in answer to the soaring cost of electricity so maybe they have plans to build a shed-load very soon but as we found out with this Governments promise to build 40 new
hospitals (currently standing at nil built) we should be taking these plans with several barrels of salt but as we thankfully come to the fag end of the Conservative time in Government, the Labour Party has stepped in with their own pledges to make Britain 'a clean energy superpower' by setting up publicly owned energy company, GB Energy, to produce cheap, clean power in Britain'.
They have also said that there would be no investment in new oil and gas fields in Britain under a Labour government, scrapping the hundreds of North Sea oil and gas extraction licences it recently dolled out to companies, including many who had made donations of over £400,000 to the Conservatives which will go down as about as well as a invite to Boris Johnson to the Father of The Year Awards with them which means Labour have go this idea absolutely right.

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