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Saturday 6 May 2023

Raining On The King's Parade

If there is one thing Britain can still do it's pomp and circumstance for our Royal's whether they die or get coronated and who would begrudge us spending £100 million on a man who is worth an estimated £1.2 billion and has a choice of castles and palaces to reside in.
I did watch about 15 minutes of this morning while eating my Cornflakes and that was before the guests turned up and the commentator was madly paddling to fill time and she described the Coronation chair which i thought was a wind up at first because apparently over the past 1,000 years choir boys had decided what the seat of King's needed was some graffiti which is why scratched all over it was the 15th Century version of 'Aubrey Woz 'Ere' and 'Giles is a Poof'.
Encased under the chair is the Stone of Scone which the English pinched off the Scots in the 13th Century and gave back to them in 1996 which is most unlike us giving stuff back to the nations we have pilfered it from but hand it back we did although they have been kind enough to lend it back to us for King Charles derriere to hover over.   
So far so gushing but i risked a Cornflake related incident lurching for the remote control when they got onto the spoon used to anoint the sovereign with holy oil, which was described as 'a very special one' and 'the world’s most important spoon'. Admittedly ignorant in the history of spoon's, i am in no position to say if there have been more important versions of this particular utensil but i am of the opinion ne spoon is pretty much like another, i could use the one languishing in my cereal bowl and it would do exactly the same job. Obviously i would like the milk off it first, im not an animal.     
So instead of spending the day watching our new king on tv, i went to see my granddaughter for the day and spent the day watching Miss Rachel on their TV instead so when she gets older and asks me if i went to the Kings Coronation i can say no, i spent the day singing the Icky Icky Sticky Sticky Bubble Gum Song with you.  
I did feel a bit sorry for the many Coronation parties which had to be cancelled but the forecasters all week have been saying that it was going to tonk down with rain today and tonk down it did so they can;t say they weren't warned to move it inside or leave it to the next day when it was supposed to be dry.
Anyway, congratulations to the new King and don't forget to give the Scots their stone back when you are finished with it. And don't drop it!

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