FOAB Information

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Today Is...International Day of Light

The website for the International Day of Light states that Light is important and celebrated because throughout thousands of years of history, humans have relied on light to see and learn about the universe and still today astronomers are looking and learning about galaxy and the universe which blew a big hole in my original post which was about how a US Senator got the light above my garage fixed.
Obviously the light the day is celebrating is of a more scientific bent and not ensuring my safety after parking my car so lets delve into the Universe which is pretty big, so big that it has to be measured in light years which is the distance in a year light will travel, measured at 5.88 trillion miles.
Our Milky Way is 100 light years across which is piddling compared to the largest galaxy we have discovered which is IC 1101 which is 120,000 light-years wide so if you set off to cross it, you might need to take a packed lunch.
Einstein said in his Theory of Special Relativity that nothing can travel faster than light but particle physicists have detect neutrinos traveling faster so pffft, Einstein, what did he know although it does potentially raise the possibility of time travel and with no DeLorean or a flux capacitor in sight.
What i don't really understand is why does going faster than the speed of light mean going back in time? I wish I had paid more attention in Science lessons at school but it all seemed very boring at the time.
Just like Jennifer Anniston on the L'Oreal adverts, you don't need to understand the science bit to have shiny, beautiful hair or in this case, to go back in time with the weekends European lottery numbers or persuade Boris Johnson's grandfather to wear extra tight underpants but all the time we have the Sun we will have light for half of the day, the other half all you need is an American Senator with an email account. Thanks Bernie!

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