FOAB Information

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Irony Detectors Everwhere Explode

Who doesn't love a bit of irony, i know i do, and even better when the irony recipient is a magnificent imbecile such as Boris Johnson who has spent the last week howling to anyone who will listen how Rishi Sunak promised him he would get his full quota of peers as per his list only for Rishi to then go, 'nah, don't think i'll bother' as soon as Johnson wobbled off to wherever he wobbles off to these days.
That the man who made a career out of lying and was forced out of politics for his whoppers is now endlessly bleating about someone supposedly lying to him  which would make even the most industrial stength irony meter explode but then Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was never going to go gently into the night although he may have to because his supporters are running away from him so quick that they would give Ussain Bolt a run for his money.    
There are still some deluded souls in the Conservative Party who believe that he was not only a Great Prime Minister but he has been treated shoddily and will one day make a triumphant return to lead the Blue side of the House but then these are the same people who thought Liz Truss was the best they had to offer and that went well.
Trying to persuade people that Boris was anything other than a lying opportunist who didn't only soil his own bed but all of ours is a hard sell especially as he is just about to be outed by the Parliamentary Committee for lying his arse off about all those lock-down parties he said he didn't know were going on despite being at most of them but then it seems everyone now knows what an absolute arse he really was, shame it took over 250,000 Covid deaths and a knackered economy for them to realise it.

1 comment:

  1. Because all those right wing nations with right wing leaders are such shining examples?
