FOAB Information

Sunday 18 June 2023

Missing Your Children's Jabs Is Another Level Of Awful Parenting

The World Health Organisation states that the eradication of infectious diseases is the reduction of an infectious disease's prevalence in the global host population to zero but in human history we have only managed to eradicate one, smallpox, but there seems to be a resurgence of diseases which seem to come from the pages of a history book.
The WHO figures show in 2022 globally there was 10.6 m cases of Tuberculosis, 208,000 of Leprosy, 54,00 Scarlet Fever, 461 of Bubonic Plague, 391 of Diphtheria and 30 of Polio and most of these are not in third World nations, but in first World countries where the vaccine is available.
As we found out during the Coronovirus outbreak, there are some amazingly dim people who refuse the life-saving vaccines and my own doctor showed me one shocking reply she got to a Covid reminder which told her to 'Go f**k yourself with your poisonous cocktail which is killing people' and being too dense to get yourself protected is one thing but putting your own child at danger from killer diseases is another level of awful parenting.
So concerned by the drop off are the NHS that they have has issued warnings about children risking serious health implications when parents miss the 6-in-1 jab for their children which defends them against against Diphtheria, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus Influenzae type b, Polio, Tetanus and Whooping Cough.
Amazingly some parents get their information from the Internet and not from their child's doctor who legally have to give you information on the risks of each vaccine so why they take advice on vaccines from some unknown uninformed source somewhere in the World when they have a highly trained professional at their elbow is bizarre but some do.
All vaccines are fully and rigorously tested before being approved for use and while there are some minor side effects from getting a vaccine such as a slight fever or swelling at the injection site, the risk for death or serious side effects is so small that it is negligible and claims that vaccines cause autism or other diseases have been carefully researched and disproved many times over by experts and the amount of children who have developed autism from the 6 in 1 jab is nil.
You may think you are being a good parent by not getting your child vaccinated but by exposing them to a painful death from a disease that they could be prevented from contracting in the first place is selfish, ignorant and anything but good parenting.

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