FOAB Information

Saturday 17 June 2023

Nothing Glorious About Summer Heat

England hit 29C during the week and it was hot, very very hot so it was no surprise when the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service announced that the first 11 days of June was the World's hottest ever, breaching the crucial 1.5C temperature air temperature threshold which follows a May that was less than 0.1C cooler than the warmest ever May on record.
Already water companies are urging customers to start conserving water while Devon and Cornwall and parts of East Anglia are still in restrictions from last summer while 28% of mainland EU territory is in drought, particularity the western Mediterranean area and as we are only at the start of Summer, it doesn't bode well for where we will be at the end of it in three months time
From June to August 2022 there were over 20,000 heat-related deaths in the EU but still the weather people insist on describing all this Summer sunshine and dry conditions as 'glorious', 'beautiful' or 'wonderful' which isn't the words i would use, i would go with stifling, oppressive and too bloody hot, i seem to have found 23C my limit before i start moaning how i wish Summer would bugger off.
Thunderstorms is the only high spot of Summer and we are forecast to have some this weekend which were described by the BBC Weather person as a spoiler and putting a blot on our weekend but then the hot and sunny weather is set to continue afterwards but i fail to share a good old Summer downpour as a negative thing as there is nothing glorious or wonderful about grassland fires, dry riverbeds, water bans and thousands of people literally dying through the heat.  
During a time of devastating Global Warming, by framing warm, dry and sunny weather as positive it only plays into the hands of the numpties who say things like how can Summer-like weather all year round be a bad thing and anything that gives succor to people that stupid should be avoided at all costs.

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