FOAB Information

Saturday 10 June 2023

The Party's Over For Boris And Trump

As expected, both are too narcissistic to hold their hands up and take the blame for their sorry actions, far better for their fragile ego's that they blame everyone else and refuse to accept what they did was wrong and it was a brilliant bit of timing that the news that Trump faces 37 counts of mishandling official documents and Boris was stepping down from Politics came hours after each other.
For Boris, his years of lying finally came to a head with the Parliamentary Investigation into whether he lied to Parliament found that he was such a liar that even if he admitted to being a compulsive liar, nobody would believe him.
Rather than reflect on how he was forced out of the Premiership when 60 of his own Party refused to work with him, then being found guilty of lying to Parliament by a team which had a majority of Conservative members, the former Prime Minister has quit as an MP and has gone on a mad rant about being forced out by Labour's Harriet Harman, Brexit remainers and the Labour Party and not once mentioned how he said that he was unaware of any Parties at Downing Street during lock-down and then it turned out he was photographed being at most of them.
The brilliant Angela Raynor summed it all up in two words, 'Absolute Tosh' but while Boris is facing a future where his name will be proceeded by the words 'the lying Boris Johnson', Donald Trump is facing a much darker future sharing a cell with someone called Big Maureen because hot on the heels of being found to be a sex abuser, he is now due to face a court and a potential sentence of decades after being accussed of willful retention of national defence information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal, and false statements and representations.      
Despite audio evidence and photographs of piles of horded boxes at his Mar-a-Lago estate, being thicker than a submarine door, his response was to say that he was 'an innocent man' which is like the Klu Klux Klan saying they only put that large burning cross on that black mans front lawn to keep him warm.
His defenders, and there are unbelievably some who still want him to run their country, instead of holding their heads in their hands and gasping: 'Oh my God, maybe he made up that other stuff as well? Maybe he DID sexually assault that woman in the changing room. Oh no, you don’t think that line about the Election being stolen was false do you? My, i feel such a fool', they have come out to defend him and claim this business is about distracting from his bid to become President again and they have a point because it is distracting everyone from things he has done that so much worse, such as pulling out of the WHO during a pandemic, advising drinking bleach to treat Covid and taking the US National debt from $19.95 trillion when he landed his bloated carcass in office to $27.75 trillion when he left it.
Both men were disasters for their countries but where both hoped to be remembered as great political actors in the history books, they will both go down as the equivalent of the men who do the dance in the advert for and neither will be missed, especially Donald who will be hoping that he he will be missed if he ever drops the soap in front of Big Maureen in the prison showers.

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