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Saturday 24 June 2023

Today Is..The Battle of Bannockburn

When Hollywood decided to make a film of the Scottish War of Independence they went with William Wallace as the main focus and he was a real pain in England's side, the killer of forty thousand English at Stirling, he was a proud Scotsman whose head could be held up high, and it didn't get much higher than where it ended up, on top of a spike at the Tower of London so Robert the Bruce would have been a better choice because he really did put the English across his knee and give them a jolly good spanking.   
England and Scotland had never had a steady relationship, if one wasn't actively invading the other than they were preparing to invade each other and it was pretty much going England's way until King Edward II decided he would keep with tradition and smack around our Northern neighbours a bit but as a King he was no great shakes and as a warrior he was even worse and when he turned up at Bannockburn with 20,000 men ready to hack and stab at the 6,000 Scots army, he ended up being  held captive and murdered by having a red-hot poker thrust up somewhere no red hot poker should ever be thrusted.
As we know Scotland's independence didn't last very long and it became part of Great Britain and then the United Kingdom but there has been a resurgence of wanting to go it alone again recently and i have always been of the view that if Scotland wanted it's independence then we should let it go. Not out of some romantic view of a country trying to free itself from under the shadow of a stronger, more powerful neighbour, but because Scotland doesn't actually bring anything much to the United Kingdom table but then i heard someone say something that stopped me in my tracks and got me rethinking the whole idea.  
The First Minister said that if Scotland was to ever gain it's independence, we couldn't keep our nuclear weapons there anymore.
Being the kind and caring people that we are, England keeps all its most dangerous weapons in another country, that country being Scotland and if Scotland goes it's own way, England will have to keep all our weapons of mass destruction in our own country.
Hmmm. Was a tough choice between keeping Scotland and having somewhere to store all our dangerous weapons or let them go and have to find somewhere here to stash them and then i realised that we still have Northern Ireland and Wales just sitting there. Problem sorted.

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