FOAB Information

Thursday 22 June 2023

Today Is...World Rainforest Day

We all remember from school how trees take in Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen and we breathe in the Oxygen and release Carbon Dioxide and it's a life saving circle that we rely on for survival.
With forests playing such an important part of keeping all living things and our planet healthy, then it would need to be a monumentally stupid creature which cut down swathes of them so step forward the monumentally stupid humans who cut down ten million hectares of forest every year, an area the size of Portugal.
Once covering 14% of land on Earth, Rainforest's now make up only 6% and the 3 million square miles left contains over 30 million species of plants and animals. That's half of the Earth's wildlife and at least two-thirds of its plant species.
As well as providing us with oxygen, Rainforest's store over half of the Earth's rainwater, on an average day 20 billion metric tons of water evaporates from trees in the Amazon releasing it back in to the atmosphere in the form of mists and clouds and continually recycling huge quantities of water, feeding the rivers, lakes and irrigation systems so the less forest the more likely droughts leading to widespread famine and disease.
So as well as depriving ourselves of air and water, over 25% of our modern medicines originate from tropical forest plants and if the current rate of deforestation continues, the world's rain forests will vanish within 100 years although many World Governments have a tree planting scheme but according to the United Nations Environmental Program, approximately 2 billion trees are planted each year which is far less than the 15 billion which are felled annually.
The UN issued a joint statement saying that: 'Forests are a major, requisite front of action in the global fight against catastrophic climate change thanks to their unparalleled capacity to absorb and store carbon. Forests capture carbon dioxide at a rate equivalent to about one-third the amount released annually by burning fossil fuels. Stopping deforestation and restoring damaged forests, therefore, could provide up to 30 percent of the climate solution'.
Since we’re making more and more CO2 every day, and simultaneously removing the planet’s method to deal with it…three guesses where this is heading.

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