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Sunday 23 July 2023

Farage's Bank

The Nigel Farage has his bank account shut down thing continues to rumble on and i am split between thinking a Bank shouldn't be able to close down an account just because someone holds abhorrent views and thinking: 'It's Nigel Farage, who cares?
Coutts Bank is part of Natwest and is where the very rich and famous bank, you need to have a minimum of £3 million in your account to even have an account and after the red faced gammon Farage came out bleating that Coutts had said his account was being sut down due to his extreme right wing views, Coutts
explained that actually he wasnt sufficiently wealthy to hold one and offered him an account with Natwest instead.
Man of the people Farage didn't like that one bit, a bank account the same as the other commoners indeed and he continued to bleat that he had documents from the Bank which showed senior staff had taken into account his: 'xenophobic, chauvinistic and racist views' alongside his not meeting the wealth criteria when deciding to close his accounts.   
At the moment the 'Who Cares, Farage is a complete knob' is winning out but a (very) small part of me does wonder who defines what is a political view that is deemed sufficiently wrong enough to be refused service by a business and although it may be extreme right wing views which are at the moment being
deemed sufficient enough, one day someone may say to me 'Sorry Mrs Lucy but due to your left wing views you are no longer able to use our service' but i take the Groucho Marx view that i wouldn't want to belong to any business that wouldn't accept me as one of it's members anyway.

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