FOAB Information

Sunday 9 July 2023

The Moron Or The Sleepy Guy

It happens to everyone at some point, you reach that age, your brain cells give up and wave a little white flag and before you know it you are eating Werthers Originals, talking about putting wind turbines on the Moon or running for a second term as America's President and believing that you have a fair shot at it despite it being obvious to everyone else that is time to break out the rubber cutlery.
Now Donald Trump was never the highest watt bulb, not so much a sandwich short of a picnic as the whole basket is missing but as he has spent his life surrounded by people who were afraid to say to him some home truths such as maybe suggesting drinking bleach to cure Covid isn't actually good medical
advice or women don't seem to like you grabbing their genitals, he has carried on being as much as a cretinous idiot as he wants, which is a lot.
As unhinged as Trump and his supporters were first time around in 2016, this time he seems much more extreme and unhinged, some said that posting Barack Obama’s home address on Social Media was an invitation for some nut to try to shoot him, which they did when someone showed up with a machete, two guns, and 400 rounds of ammunition.
As well as continuing to spread the deluded lie that he was somehow cheated out of the last Election despite everyone in a position to know said he did, he has also said that the Cocaine found in the White House was being used by Joe Biden and his son which would explain a lot as Joe always look as though he is half asleep, but Joe doing Charlie?
Obviously Trumpety Trump is going to up the rhetoric as the election gets closer, if he gains the Republican nomination that is which seems likely, and what he comes out with on the stage as he drags his sorry backside around America but if i was a Republican i would be worried that he either wins and
go on a revenge tour of those he perceives in his rapidly dwindling brain has wronged him which will literally lead to blood on the streets of America or the voters realise what a deranged maniac he is and the Democrats steamroll to victory and take everything and therefore have a free shot at whatever
their heart desires.
Personally, if America votes for the blubbering idiot knowing what they know about him then its hard to have any sympathy for them but it does throw up the question that in a country of 350 million, why is Trump, a sex offending law breaker who has been impeached twice and faces criminal charges and
Biden, an octogenarian who is clearly struggling with cognitive functions, are the choices?

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