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Wednesday 26 July 2023

Today Is...King Richard III Crowned

I imagine King Richard would be quite shocked to see that the History Books have him down as a crippled bad guy with a hump and a withered arm who killed his nephews after keeping them in the Tower of London but not as shocked as discovering that his name has become synonymous with Cockney rhyming slang for a natural bodily function along with Brad Pitt and Douglas Hurd.
Him becoming a Game of Thrones style villain was all down to Tudor propaganda from William Shakespeare and Thomas Moore who twisted his becoming King when his brother Edward died and his kids were too young to rule so he sat in their place.
During his time he introduced the bail system although to be honest that was mostly to give himself a get out of jail free card as things were getting out of hand with Henry Tudor, the most boring Henry who even Shakespeare couldn't find anything noteworthy to write about.
The war of the roses between the Tudors (White Rose) and the Plantagenet's (Red Rose) ended at Bosworth Field, Leicestershire, with Richard charging at Henry Tudor which didn't end well as his horse got stuck in the mud and historians recorded he was killed by a blow so violent that his helmet was driven
into his skull but just to make sure they stabbed him a further nine times to the head and had the rear of his skull sliced off.
His skeleton was found 528 years later under a Leicester Pub Car Park although many said that the reconstruction they made of his face didn't look anything like him but then he won't be the last bloke to have his face reconstructed after leaving a pub car park in Leicester.

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