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Friday 7 July 2023

Today Is...World Chocolate Day

Man has made many inventions but one of the most tastiest has to be Chocolate for which we can thank the ancient Mesoamerican civilization who first consumed cocoa beans as a drink during religious ceremonies but the Spanish conquistadors are not known for many good things but they did nick the idea of using cocoa beans from the Aztecs, adding sugar and milk to the mix and spread it around the World.
Unless you are a regular subscriber to the New England Journal of Medicine, you could be excused for missing the latest scientific breakthrough and would be just stuffing your face with chocolate not knowing that rather than just stuffing your face with chocolate, you were actually improving your intelligence.  
The studies author, Franz Messerli of Colombia University, was apparently wondering one afternoon about the power of chocolate after reading that cocoa was good for you and reached the conclusion that the higher a country's chocolate consumption, the more Nobel laureates it spawns per capita.
Apparently regular cocoa intake leads to improved mental function and there is data in rats showing that they live longer and have better cognitive function when they eat chocolate, and even in snails you can show that the snail memory is actually improved.
So Messerli took the number of Nobel Prize winners in a country as an indicator of general national intelligence and compared that with the nation's chocolate consumption. The results were, he said 'striking'.
'When you correlate the two' he said with a mouthful of Snickers, 'the chocolate consumption with the number of Nobel Prize laureates per capita there is an incredibly close relationship' the prof explained before turning into geek mode and continuing: 'This correlation has a 'P value' of 0.0001. This means there is a less than one-in-10,000 probability that this correlation is simply down to chance.'
No idea what that means, i haven't eaten enough Mars Bars today obviously, but what it boils down to is eat chocolate and your chances of winning a Nobel Prize go up.
This is backed up by the brilliant minds at Syracuse University, New York, who agree that eating dark chocolate benefits reasoning, memory and focus and found that eating chocolate prepares you more for your work day and we should incorporate dark chocolate into our breakfast.
Before i had even finished grating a large bar of Aero into my bowl another scientific study landed in my inbox from Tel Aviv University suggesting that eating dessert for breakfast supports weight loss.
Conclusive, cast iron proof then that combining chocolate with dessert for breakfast is beneficial so if anyone asks why you are stuffing your face with chocolate cake and trifle at 7am, it's part of a scientifically backed diet and memory improving program to win a Nobel Prize.

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