FOAB Information

Sunday 13 August 2023

Fascist Left At It Again

Apparently the left are in cahoots with World Governments, banks and faceless corporations to impose a fascist Cashless Society on us which throws up a few questions.
Firstly, being a left winger following a hard right wing ideology makes about as much sense as an Atheist turning up to Holy Communion every Sunday or a bald man going to the hairdressers but then this is being put out by the Conspiracy Theorists and they are not considered the most cerebral people so mixing up their ideologies is one of their least concerning attributes.  
If those of us on left are in cahoots with these people then nobody has bothered to tell me or any of my lefty buddies but then i guess we would say that so i should bring it up at the next meeting that we need to keep our heads down on this as it is being noticed.
The claim is that we are trying to impose a cashless society to allow governments to control people’s spending and track their movements.
If you have cash, so the conspiracy goes, your spending habits cannot be traced and your funds cannot be frozen, in the way they can with a digital currency and they use the Chinese social credit system as an example, in which peoples’ money, is controlled digitally, by the government and access is linked to good behaviour.
'You could be lose access to your own money for something like littering, getting drunk, not being up to date with your vaccines or some other perceived crime' so says the email before going on about not being able to put cash in Birthday cards or leaving tips in Restaurants and a link to sign a petition to let the Governments know they are on to them.
Obviously, as i have a least two working brain-cells, i did not sign up to tip off my fellow Left Wing Facist's that our cover has been blown but i imagine some did but rather than proving that you are in possession of, as the email states, 'the inside scoop on how the left are trying to dictate your lives' it says that you are unlikely to trouble any Brains Trust meetings.
Now burn all those bank notes in your purse and request your new Debit Card because i for one want to know where you are and suspend your bank account because you were seen dropping that crisp packet in the High Street.

1 comment:

  1. If fascism is imposing your will on others than you churchy types of all flavours have been the biggest fascists for centuries and continue to be today
