FOAB Information

Saturday 5 August 2023

Interesting 2024 For Trump

Makes me smile when Donald Trump fans say that the sheer amount of persecutions against him prove that it is a politically motivated and it doesn't occur to them that the reason there are so many prosecutions against him is because he is a complete bell-end who keeps doing illegal things.
Of the three (so far) incitements against him, the latest is said to be the most dangerous for his ability to from the soap in the shower without a rude introduction to exactly why Big Pete has that nickname.
Yesterdays indictment was around the Capitol riot and efforts to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election and include charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding and conspiracy against rights.
His defence is that he was not directly responsible because he actually told supporters to march peacefully on the Capitol but if the Judge decides him saying 'We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore' doesn't mean the same thing as march peacefully he potentially faces penalties ranging from a substantial fine up to 35 years in prison
The other case against him is for 40 charges of mishandling thousands of classified material after he left the White House and obstruct the FBI's attempts to retrieve them.
For these he potentially faces 35 years jail-time but his defence for this case is that he declassified the material while President although him being recorded saying he could have declassified them but never means his defence is less than water tight.
The third case he is facing regards 34 counts of falsifying business records after paying hush money from his Presidential campaign funds to porn actress Stormy Daniels although he denies ever having sexual relations with Ms Daniels but admits he did make a payment to her but that was to protect his family from false allegations which is about as likely as him winning weight watcher of the year.
No jail time is predicted for this but a substantial fine could see his quickly dwindling bank balance a few million dollars lighter.
On the horizon are further court appearances for illegally trying to overturn his loss in Georgia in 2020, part two of his sexual assault of writer E Jean Carroll, of which he has already been found guilty and fined $5m, this time for defamation and sexual battery.
Obviously if Trump becomes President he will pardon himself of all charges or if a friendly Republican beats him to the White House then he will be expecting him or her to Pardon him which is probably why the judges are trying to make sure that all the cases are heard before the 5 November 2024.
All in all 2024 could be a very stressful time for the former President and it couldn't happen to a nicer racist, pussy grabbing sex offender.

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