FOAB Information

Thursday 17 August 2023

Pass Me The Wrigley's

I have posted before but how the Medical World has been pulling the wool over our eyes with things plucked out the air by doctors to give people a target such as eating 5 piece of fruit a day (eat MORE fruit, not necessarily 5), don't swallow your chewing gum (will just pass through like anything else) drink 8 glasses of water a day (most of that will come from our food anyway), wear a hat as you lose most heat out of your head (you lose it just as quick through any exposed skin) and don't go outside with wet hair or you'll catch cold (viruses and bacteria cause colds, not a low temperature) so it turns out i had been walking around in my youth munching apples, spitting out my gum at boys i didn't like and arrived late everywhere because i had been blow-drying my hair and all for nothing, thanks Doc.  
We can now add to that the 10,000 steps a day because that has now also been exposed as a number which was plucked out of some Japanese pedometer salesman's backside and the real number is 3,967 to reduce your risk of early death from any cause and if you only do 2,337 steps you still decrease your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease according to Cambridge University.
Another study using data from fitness trackers shows that 'brief bursts of vigorous exercise' throughout the day such as climbing stairs, carrying your heavy shopping home or running for the bus can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
As i live in a flat with a lift, own a car with a big boot and am very much a 'sod it, ill catch the next one' type of person it was the next line which caught my eye: 'Increasing how much energy you expend on anything that may have an impact on mortality. Even chewing gum can increase your energy expenditure'.
That's it, i am starting a Juicy Fruit Fitness regime.

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