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Saturday 26 August 2023

That Trump Mugshot

My photographer friend called it the Kubrik stare and the Director used it to great effect in films such as A Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket to show a character was an unstable deranged individual although personally i think Trump went with it to hide his double/triple chins.
Trump's indictment for his activities in trying to overturn the 2020 Election makes him only the fourth former American President to achieve the accomplishment with the other three being him also but it is sure to become one of the images of the 21st century which, depending on which side of the fence you are on, has been great for some and not so good for others.
As excited as a monkey with the key to the gates of a banana plantation are those who think of Trump as something they would scrape off the sole of their shoes and even better of you have a passing knowledge of Photoshop because i have seen some brilliantly funny meme's of the orange buffoon.
Not so keen on seeing their hero treated like a common criminal are the Trump supporters who continue to act the useful idiots and swallow the lies he craps out denying he has done anything which you would need to be considerably thicker than a submarine door to believe but these are people who aspire to have an IQ as large as their show size so, what ya gonna do?    
Obviously Trump is keen to regain the White House so he can pardon himself and avoid jail time and someone as narcissistic and awful as Donald J Trump being in charge of anything has proven to go together as well as drinking copious amounts of Whisky and driving but to his supporters he is leading the fight against a corrupt left wing dominating American politics but to everyone els he is just a pathetic, obese man child who has been convicted of sexual assault and crimes against hair and self tanning lotion.
Not my President so i don't really care but wow it's funny watching his demise.

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