FOAB Information

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Today Is...Earth Overshoot Day

Today is Earth Overshoot Day which means as of today, we are now using up more ecological resources for the rest of the year than the Earth can regenerate.
Humanity is currently consuming nature 1.75 Earth's worth of resources and the United Nations have released a report, saying that humanity's pace of environmental destruction could endanger the ecological foundations of society and create a global health emergency leading to millions of deaths from air and water pollution.
Seems no matter how many warnings they get, how much extreme weather they see destroying their cities or how much scientific evidence is thrown at them, the people in power who could actually do something about the damage we are inflicting to the planet and ourselves, are just too selfish and moronic to do anything about it.
We can all do our bit but the biggest change needs to come from corporations and governments who need to take responsibility for their actions and start implementing sustainable practices that benefit the environment.
The idea of overshooting our resources isn't new, but the alarming pace at which we are approaching this milestone is a clear signal of our collective impact on the planet and that we desperately need to change course and live within the Earth's means while leaving a healthier planet for future generations.

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