FOAB Information

Monday 7 August 2023

Today Is...Gherman Titov Circles Earth

The early Soviet missions were very much seat of the pants stuff, the best most of them hoped for was a merciful, quick death and Yuri Gagarin is rightly lauded as the first man to orbit the Earth aboard Vostok 1 in April 1961 but the Soviets also had the second, Gherman Titov, who completed 20 orbit's around the Globe in Vostok II before landing in a Russian field and downing a beer.
After some less than favorable results from sending animals around the Globe, the original target was for no more than three orbits but they ended up doing many more mainly so Titov's landing was in the right part of Southern Russia.
Also amongst his firsts was the first person to orbit the Earth multiple times, he was also the first to spend more than a day in space (24.5 hours), the first to sleep in orbit, the first to photograph and video the Earth from Space and to suffer from space sickness becoming the first person to vomit in space and when you think of how things float around you once you are up there, eeeww.
On his return he was asked by reporters how his space flight affected his philosophy of life and he replied that he looked all day but he never saw God or any Angels and his changed philosophy became obvious when he engaged in behaviours that the Soviets found unacceptable for someone working within the space program and he was ordered to stop womanising, excessive drinking and driving fast cars recklessly. 
He must have done because he went on to assume a senior position in the Soviet space program and has a crater on the Moon named after him and on his retirement where he went into Politics before dying in a Sauna aged 65.

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