FOAB Information

Tuesday 29 August 2023

Today Is...International Day Against Nuclear Tests

The United Nations General Assembly declared today as 'a time to increase awareness and education about the effects of nuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions and the need for their cessation as one of the means of achieving the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world'.
There are nine countries that possess nuclear weapons, the US, Russia, the UK, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea but even more countries have given up their nuclear weapons programs believe they were more of a liability than an asset for national security.
The apartheid regime in South Africa built six warheads before dismantling them in 1989 while Sweden had an advanced plan to build up to a hundred warheads, but gave up the project as too expensive in the 1960s.
Argentina and Brazil have both pursued covert nuclear weapons programs in the 90s as did Taiwan and South Korea who began developing plutonium production programs until the US persuaded them to halt and rely on Washington for security. Japan has has all the materials and know-how to build a nuclear warhead quickly if it decided to follow that path.
Saddam Hussein's Iraq dismantled their nuclear weapons program after the first Gulf war in 1991, and Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi handed over his nuclear weapons program to the US in 2003 which as it turned out later was a massive own goal by both and a warning to any future despots considering giving up their atomic dreams.
America hold the dubious honour of being the only country to use nuclear weapons but with India and Pakistan not as stable as they could be, North Korea making regular bellicose statements and Israel in a constant state of warmongering with its neighbours, they may not be the last.
Throw in the horror of an accident, and recent examples show just how close we have come to wiping ourselves out with our own nuclear weapons, and it appears that we are holding on to these extraordinarily dangerous weapons not out of necessity but because of the cachet and feeling of superiority it gives us.
With some unstable countries having a nuclear arsenal and some very unstable leaders in charge of the nuclear button, it does seem a huge risk to hold onto weapons we will never likely use at huge expense and massive danger to us but we can consider ourselves fortunate that these insane devices of global destruction are only in the custody of responsible governments who only have the interests of humanity in mind...hmmm.

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