FOAB Information

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Today Is...WWW Released To Public

What i know about the workings of computers would have to be written in a very large font to even fit onto the head of an AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200 Dual Core 2.6 GHz CPU so when the guy who spent most of one afternoon faffing about behind my PC to upgrade my broadband connection mentioned the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web my second thought was that if he spent less time yakking and hinting for cups of coffee he would of finished hours ago.
My first thought was how to subtly mention he needed a belt so every time he bent over i wasn't greeted by what reminded me of two, very white space hoppers trying to escape his jeans.
Apparently, the Internet is the hardware which runs the World Wide Web Software but Tim Berners-Lee called it 'Mesh' which evolved into the World Wide Web which revolutionised the World but reminiscing on his invention decades later, he wasn't too pleased with what his baby has become.
His concerns were over how the Web had created opportunities for scammers and given a voice to those who spread hatred and made all kinds of crime easier to commit but while the WWW seems to be a bit of a Wild West, obviously there are some words and phrases that if typed into Google will bring you to the attention of the authorities such as Assassination, Dirty Bomb, Militia, Terrorism, Anthrax, Ammonium Nitrate or How To Assassinate a World Leaders but there are a host of innocent words that could also see you bundled onto an aeroplane and landing in Cuba wearing a fetching orange jumpsuit.
The more of the 'alert' words the shadowy types find in an email or electronic communication, the further up the list of potential evil-doers you rise but some of the words on the list are seemingly Innocent but hide evil intentions, such as Drill, Authorities, Stuck, Recruitment, Aid, Watch, Blizzard, Salmonella, Cancelled, Agriculture, Exercise, Subway, Recovery, Southwest, Landing, Cloud, Pork, Wave, Electric and Worm and the mention of North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, El Paso, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria, China, Colombia, Mexico and San Diego which must play havoc with the Authorities email system.
I don't understand why the number 2600 attracts unwanted attention but if you are STUCK in the SUBWAY with a bad case of SALMONELLA from a PORK chop whilst on the way to a
RECRUITMENT Day in the SOUTHWEST during a BLIZZARD, you may want to rethink sending that text or email.


  1. I did know but he was a mansplainer

  2. Not correct, explain stuff as if we didn’t know without asking if we know it first.
