FOAB Information

Friday 15 September 2023

Earth Failed It's Health Check

Scientist's have given the Earth it's 4.5 Billion Years Health Check and found that it isn't in the best shape and is exceeding it's safe operating space for humanity which doesn't sound particularly good for those of us living on it.
Six of nine key measurements of its health are failing and two of the remaining three are heading in the wrong direction although it is doing fine in its Ozone layer after we punched a massive hole in it a few decades back.
The planet's climate, biodiversity, land, freshwater, nutrient pollution and novel chemicals (human-made compounds like microplastics and nuclear waste) are all off-kilter, according to the group of international scientists while on the downward spiral is the acidity of the oceans and the health of the air we breathe
which led the co-author Johan Rockstrom, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany to conclude 'We are in very bad shape' and 'the patient is sick'.
All is not lost yet though as Computer simulations showed we can turn the Earth around by cleaning up its land and saving forests which would tick the planet back into the not likely to keel over any second clutching its chest portion of the Health Check.  
Carnegie Mellon University environmental engineering professor Granger Morgan said if we don't quickly cut back on how we are stressing the Earth, we're toast' which is true but not such a catchy phrase as that chosen by one Environmentalist scientist recently who summed it up more more colourfully with Not totally f$%@ed but far from totally unf$@%*ed!'

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