FOAB Information

Friday 15 September 2023

Oil Companies Evil Shocker

There are some people who doubt Climate Change is happening for a variety of reasons including from the Churchy set who think God should be left to sort it out and then there are those who see not destroying the Planet as a 'left wing' thing and even those who decided to ignore the view of 99% of Scientific Experts and get behind the 1% who think it isn't happening, even when they find out they they have been handsomely paid to say it.
Following a summons by the New York Attorney General as part of an investigation into ExxonMobil, it shows how the oil company sought to undermine climate science by a decades-long misinformation campaign and funding climate-denier groups and paying scientists to write papers about the uncertainty of measuring greenhouse gas emissions.
The documents also show Exxon’s displeasure with scientific warnings from the scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the way the media were covering the message that greenhouse gas emissions needed to be curbed.
The Companies executives wanted to engage with the scientists to try and negatively influence other scientists and amplify the Climate Change denial which will all go into the evidence against the oil companies who are facing legal action from 24 US Cities to hold them accountable for their attempts to sow doubt about climate science.
Obviously the Planet's Climate is changing and changing at the quickest rate for millions of years, you would need to be a hugely useful idiot of these companies to not see that but to deny it and know the people you are siding with were handsomely paid to say it just makes you a gullible moron of biblical proportions.

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