FOAB Information

Friday 8 September 2023

Stay Cool And Avoid White Clothes

Day six of the UK Heatwave and i am quickly running out of white clothes because as everyone knows white clothes reflect the sun rays thus keeping you cooler or so i always thought until some professor of environmental physiology stuck her oar in and said actually, wearing white in a heatwave doesn't do diddly squat to keep you cool and can even make you hotter.
A week of wearing white tops and drinking and eating everything especially carefully wasted so why is what almost everybody knows, wrong?
Heat, it turns out, doesn't just come from the sun but it also comes from our bodies too and when our body heat hits the white clothing, it is reflected back at us making us even warmer.
She suggests taking a leaf from the desert dwelling Bedouins who wear black robes in the desert because dark coloured fabrics are a better radiator of heat which means they absorb heat emanating from the body, cooling your body down.
The real secret apparently is to wear loose-fitting black clothing, as the loose black clothes heat up the space between the fabric and the skin, promoting an upward air current so the heat absorbed by the black clothes is lost before it reaches the skin and providing cooling relief.
If you really want to keep cool, she suggests, then strip off completely because clothes protect your skin from burning but being naked is better for keeping cool as the heat evaporates away from the body completely which may be fine in the privacy of your own home but may not go down so well in the Supermarket. 

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