FOAB Information

Thursday 14 September 2023

Today Is...British Empire Loses 11 Days

When he got handed the funny hat, Pope Gregory XIII had two things he wanted to sort out which really bothered him, the Protestants who were being a huge pain in the arse and the stupid calendar so he set about putting both things right.
The handing it to the Protestants didn't go well so he decided to have another look at the calendar and worked out that the problem was that the Earth and the Sun refused to create a year that's composed of a nice round number of days and the Julian calendar, which was prominent in most of the Western world for more than 1,600 years, had an average year of exactly 365.25 days long and it was losing a day a century.
He shortened the day by 0.0075 days, making a year 365.2425 days and by tinkering with the leap years, he corrected the Julian calendar which meant that to bring everything back into line, everyone had to jump 11 days which immediately annoyed anyone whose birthday was between those dates.
The calendar now made a lot more sense with some months having 31 days, some 30 and February with it's 28, except when it doesn't and all the Catholic countries were like 'Hey Cool, we got a new calendar' but the Protestant countries like Britain refused to accept it at first, the British people thinking the sneaky
Catholics were trying to steal 11 days from them so they stuck with the Calendars with kittens in various cute poses and topless firemen hanging in their kitchens for a further two years until it all got too confusing and in 1752 they decided to join in the fun and make it when you went to bed on the 2nd September you woke up the following morning on the 14th. 
As there is no law to say you HAVE to use the Gregorian version, you could always switch between the two and going Julian and then back to the Gregorian and losing those 11 days again later in the year, a few days before your spouses birthday would be especially cost saving. Win-Win.

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