FOAB Information

Saturday 28 October 2023

Today Is...Christopher Columbus Lands In Cuba

Some people are born lucky and some are so incompetent its amazing that they can find their own front door but still land on their feet anyway which is exactly what happened to Christopher Columbus who found Cuba while looking for India and thought it was Japan.
To avoid confusion he called them Indians anyway but he is considered to have discovered America and the New World which must have come as a surprise to the people already lived there who had a legitimate call that they discovered it a long time before he bumbled by on the Santa Maria that day.
He came by it by sailing the wrong way to start with, heading West instead of East in search of new lands and riches and the first natives he encountered actually greeted him and he wrote in his diary that he found them to be peaceful, kind, hospitable and loving but most importantly what he did notice was that they were unarmed so with lucking into such a fertile island with abundant resources he promptly took a large group of them prisoner and interrogated them as to where they hid all their gold.
It wasn't all take though because something the European's did give to them was our diseases so measles and smallpox ravaged the native populations but the lack of resistance to native diseases went the other way also, some of the native inhabitants suffered from a new sexually transmitted disease called Syphilis that was then transmitted throughout Europe by Columbus's randy crew but months at sea will do that to a man.
Although he never reached his original destination of the East Indies, Columbus's discovery paved the way for the colonization of the Americas and the European conquest of new lands and said that it proved that he was fine sailor and navigator and if he goes looking for India, India is what he finds, even if it isn't.

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