FOAB Information

Friday 20 October 2023

Today Is...International Chefs Day

I do have all the standard Kitchen equipment with a full set of pans, every utensil that has ever been created and even one of those apron's which make it look as if i am cooking in a bra and suspenders although with my particular style of cooking none are really necessary.
Cooking preparation to me is reading the packaging to find out how long something has to be microwaved for and then standing around until it pings so respect to Chefs who prepare meals that look almost too good to eat, the best i can hope for it that it is edible. 
Behind my unused utensils are a couple of cookbooks by famous chefs and i am sure they are very informative if i only bothered to open them but whenever i look at the cover i just find myself wondering, What's those weird Chefs hats all about?
Apparently it's called a toque blanche from the Arabic word for white hat and apparently wearing them while cooking was a thing amongst Monks in the 6th Century to display pristine hygiene when the Byzantine Empire was stabbing and slashing it's way across Europe and the hats pointed them out as not to thrust swords at and Chefs decided they didn't particularly want to be hacked to bits either so copied the Monks headwear and once the Byzantine forces retreated, chefs continued to wear the hats and i just assumed it was a fancy way of keeping hair out of food.
In Victorian times it was the height of the hat and the amount of pleats showed how experienced you were but they seem to have become a standard size now but still signify someone is an elite Chef and not just someone leaning against the kitchen cupboards waiting for the Microwave to ping.

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