FOAB Information

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Today Is...National Boyfriend Day

Love is blind so they say so you may never have thought that your boyfriend falls under any particular type but they do and they will be one (or more) of the following but you never know whether one of these guys is THE ONE until you date them and you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your Prince.
Maybe he is the goofy one who makes you laugh with his silly jokes or the practical one who doesn't let silly things like emotions cloud his judgement and wouldn't know a romantic thought if it crapped on his head.  
At the other end of the scale you get the boyfriend who needs constant reassurance that you love them and the mushy one who has stepped out of a romance novel and will do things like stand outside your window with placards with I LOVE YOU written on them or the Sports geek will take you to football match on a date and if he isn't doing something sporty, he is talking about it and gets excited about things you’ll never truly get, such as Tottenham Hotspur.  
The pushover who is far too accommodating and will go along with everything you say, the guy who will surprise you with flowers and chocolate, let you pick the movie and spend time with your family but that can become to clingy but overall any of the above are fine but there are some who you should ditch or preferably avoid in the first place.
Such as the jerk which out of all the different types of boyfriends there are, is the worst type of egotistical, narcissist and definitely not potential husband material as nor is the overly possessive one who asks who you are texting and gets moody if you go out with friends rather than him and will want to know where you were and who else was there.
The bore who thinks he has it all figured out with a good job and a savings account and can tell you all about how tax and insurance works and then there is the guy from work who you may share a common interest in hating your boss but it can be a really awkward if you break up and still have to see them everyday.
The Best boyfriend is one who is a boy, and a friend and had made that switch from best friend to the boyfriend and share the same interests and already know each other very well and truly loves you and will shower you with attention, applaud your accomplishments and treat you well.
Unfortunately, you may have to go through some bad relationships until you finally find yourself on a date with Mr. Right, think of the others as practise.

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