FOAB Information

Thursday 9 November 2023

Today Is...Germany Day Of Fate

Germany is a beautiful country with it's forests, mountain ranges, rivers, beaches and beer halls especially Oktoberfest but if you are there in October make sure you are over the border by today because the 9th of November has something against Germany with a series of events that have proved turning points in the
European Nation.

In chronological order, 1848 saw the execution of Robert Blum who the leading figures of the democrats in Parliament and ended the German March Revolution which was fighting for improved working and living conditions.
1918, as the imminent defeat of the Germans in World War I, the abdication of Wilhelm II was announced and two separate Parties, the Socialists and Democrats, declared themselves in charge and civil war resulted in the Wiemar Republic.
Five years later in 1923, the then little known leader of the NSDAP Party called Adolf Hitler attempted to overthrow the Government in the Beer Hall Putsch and was sentenced to five years in prison but was released after nine months for good conduct and under his arm a book he had spent the months writing, Mein Kampf.
The Night of Broken Glass in 1938 saw synagogues and Jewish property burned and destroyed on a large scale and more than four hundred Jews were killed and thousands arrested by SS members.
1969 and terrorist organization Tupamaros West-Berlin places a bomb in the Jewish Community Center in Berlin although fortunately the bomb fails to explode.
In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and ended the separation of Germany and fatefully, David Hasselhoff showed up to give a Concert.

In Germany the day is now called Schicksalstag (Day of Fate) and is now a day of remembrance in Germany for the victims of Nazism.

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