FOAB Information

Thursday 16 November 2023

Today Is...LSD First Synthesized

Science has always been a double-edged sword, with advances like penicillin, electricity and TV balanced by napalm, nuclear weapons and TV's showing Piers Morgan but sometimes it throws up a bit of a strange one which neither benefits or hinders mankind, but wow does it make you feel good.
In 1938, Albert Hofmann was goofing about with some mould growing on bread when he did that mad scientist thing and thought to myself 'I wonder what it tastes like' and ate some and started to feel a bit weird so he packed up his things and rode home, rather wobbly i presume, on his bike.
A few days later, he decided to see what the hell that strange stuff was so he took some more and began hallucinating, all the pretty colours communing with nature and spiritual enlightenment, but unbeknown to him he had became the first known person to synthesize and ingest lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD.
He continued to take small doses of LSD throughout much of his life, and always hoped to find a use for it but apart from floating away with the fairies, he never did but the CIA tried.
They noticed that the during trials for treason, the most compliant Russians on trial were, to put it modestly, off their tits, and rather than passing it off as too much vodka, they figured out pretty quickly that he had been doped into testifying.
The CIA launched an extensive, decades long research program focused on Hoffman's LSD named Project MK-ULTRA with a goal of mind control with the goal of getting someone so high that they'll kill themselves if they asked them politely.
Despite the copious amount of drugs ingested, Hoffman died aged 102 and not only invent LSD but also hippies and the associated tie-die shirts and psychedelic music of the 60s and 70s.

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