FOAB Information

Saturday 11 November 2023

Violence At March From Right Wing Morons

How a march calling for peace and end to a war where one of the most powerful militaries in the World is bombing 2 million people they have walled in can be called a Hate March is bizarre enough but then we are dealing with the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, who maybe thought she was helping out her Government colleagues by trying to get the Police to ban the march which was embarrassing her colleagues who have a policy of letting Israel continue to bomb whoever and whatever facility they want.
Fist Rishi went with it is disrespectful to March on Armistice Day because it should be a day to remember the war dead which people pointed out seemed a bit of a dunderheaded thing to say you shouldn't march to call for a ceasefire when we are trying to remember those who have died in wars but all the time Suella Braverman is in the room, he is not the most idiotic one there.
Suella first attempted that the Police should ban the March but the Police just shrugged and said they had no problem with it so she then went with it would disrupt the presentation at the Cenotaph and the two minute silence to which the Protest organisers said their march was miles away from the Cenotaph and was starting 2 hours after the two minute silence so she finally went with it would turn into public disorder and violence and it did, but not from the 800,000 anti-war protesters who the Police reported gave them 'no issues' on the March.
What happened was the 92 people arrested were the right wing groups who turned up at the Cenotaph according to Police: 'intent on confrontation and violence' and fought Police, threw missiles and trespassed on the Cenotaph itself before going off to confront the demonstrators.
Braverman is facing rising calls to resign and the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is blaming Suella Braverman for the right wingers clashes with police saying: 'The scenes of disorder we witnessed by the far-right at the Cenotaph are a direct result of the home secretary’s words. The police’s job has been made much harder' and even Rishi Sunak who is under increasing pressure to sack has has come out and condemned the English Defence League (EDL) for 'the violent, wholly unacceptable scenes we have seen'.
My concern was always that the mindless thugs with a shoe size larger than their IQ and who generally target Jews, Muslims and anyone else not a white English type, would take Suella Braverman's words as a dog whistle to turn up and cause the demonstration to degenerate into a running battle and therefore allow the Suella to say she was right about it ending in violence and disorder but as the only violence came from her own side, the side she openly courts in her bid for the leadership, then hopefully she will be unceremoniously bundled out the door and into oblivion shortly before she is followed by the rest of her god awful Conservative colleagues.

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