FOAB Information

Thursday 21 December 2023

2024 Year Of The Election

The American election is widely tipped t be between a Democrat who is clearly suffering from signs of age and often forgets where he is and what he is saying halfway through saying it and another who is obviously one of the most unfit people ever to be President and has been impeached twice and last time led an insurrection and lied to try and remain in office so not a good example of the best of America but it is going to be interesting, moreso if you are not an American having to be ruled over by either of them.    
The State of Colorado have been the first to come out and say the Orange Buffoon who did such an awful job last time is such a magnificent moron that he can't be on the Nomination Ballot this time and more are expected to join them in barring the name Trump from appearing on their ballot papers although some of his supporters are saying that not being able to vote for him this will actually help Trump who is currently preparing for four criminal trials, yep, that's the level of intelligence those Trump supporters are playing with but it isn't clear if Biden will be on the papers either as he faces impeachment himself.
The US House of Representatives has voted to formally open an impeachment inquiry, although no evidence has been produced of Biden and his family of personally profiting from his position while vice-president under Barack Obama.
US political history would suggest that things do not bode well for Biden as three of the four Presidents who have faced inquiry have ended up being impeached, the fourth, Richard Nixon, only got off with it because he resigned before the vote.
2024 not only see the American election but also the UK will go to the polls although i doubt it will be as exciting as the one on the other side of the Atlantic and as Labour is expected to wipe the floor with the Conservatives, we can expect the incoming Keir Starmer to not be quite so dictatorial or forgetful.