FOAB Information

Thursday 7 December 2023

America Wising Up To The Israeli Slaughter Of Innocents

Israel has been occupying and annexing Palestinians land since 1967 and since then have racked up an amazing number of UN resolutions against it, 45 in total by United Nations Human Rights Council, almost more resolutions condemning it than on the rest of the world combined and many of the Resolutions are for Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.
During that time America, while Israel has been scuppering peace talks, building illegal settlements on occupied land, killing innocent Palestinians, holding over 10,000 Palestinians in its prisons including children, destroying farms, bulldozing homes and businesses, using Palestinian children as human shields and building a monstrous wall deemed illegal by the international court of justice and turned Gaza into an outdoor prison, America has bankrolled Israel in its military occupation.
This has encouraging it to pursue aggressive, genocidal and expansionist policies and practices and after the abhorrent attacks by Hamas, gave Israel the red light to do whatever it liked in Gaza but a soaring civilian death toll (17,177 the latest grim total, two-thirds women and children) and a deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza has jolted the Biden administration into a change of rhetoric towards the actions of the Israeli government.
In recent weeks, with Global criticism growing, the White House have continually reminded Israel of International law and cautioned the need to limit civilian fatalities but with Benjamin Netanyahu and his Government showing no signs of easing off, there is the the worrying prospect of many more Palestinian deaths to come as Israel embarks on fresh military action in an area of southern Gaza where up to 2 million displaced people have gathered on orders of Israel.
The US Defence Secretary, Lloyd Austin, warned that Israel risk a strategic defeat by failing to protect civilians and Vice-President Kamala Harris, said bluntly that: 'Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed and International humanitarian law must be respected' while condemning the forced relocation of Palestinians.
As well as supplying the military hardware they are using to commit mass slaughter of civilians, America hand tens of billions in aid to Israel, a nation with the fourth most powerful military after Russia, the US, and China and that is expensive to maintain so America could end it now if they wanted by   denying them the weapons, Bernie Sanders said: 'What the Netanyahu government is doing is immoral, it is in violation of international law, and the United States should not be complicit in those actions'.
A survey this week from Gallup showed 63% of Democrats opposing Israel’s actions in Gaza, with the figures climbing to 67% for adults under the age of 35 and Biden faces an election soon so he is losing the support of his own party which should focus his mind with the spectre of Donald Trump looming over him.
Israel will continue to treat Palestinians with impunity until America and others stop funding its military and have to pay its own way which will force it to the negotiating table as it is seems that finally it is dawning on Americans that Israel is using their tax money to kill thousands of civilians, steal land, destabilise the Middle East and run an apartheid system worthy of South Africa.