FOAB Information

Wednesday 6 December 2023

What We Knew Anyway

Very handy that Boris Johnson leaked his pre-written answers to the Covid Inquiry because it gave the committee chance to work out exactly what Dominic Cummings meant when he said in a Whatsapp Message that Matt Hancock should be sacked as the Health Secretary because: 'leaving Hancock in post is a big mistake – he is a proven liar who nobody believes or should believe on anything' and ended the message by calling the hapless Hancock a name which rhymes with stunt, hunt and punt.
Boris Johnson is also planning to go heavy on the 'My decisions saved lives' line so obviously will be avoiding his decisions which included  throwing a ring of steel around care homes to lock vulnerable people in with infected patients, late lock-downs and early opening up the country, the eat out to help out scheme which experts called eat out to help out the virus scheme and deciding what Downing Street needed and was 'essential for work purposes' was regular piss ups while everybody else wasn't allowed to even share a coffee with a friend in a park.
That we ended up with one of the highest death tolls in Europe must all be on Johnson's rounded shoulders feels like Johnson trying to claim any credit for his decisions is a bit of a stretch but his appearance isn't really going to give him any because we knew much of the mishandling and disastrous decisions while
it was happening.
All the things reported and flatly denied by the government at the time all turned out to have been true all along, Johnson did say he would rather let the bodies pile high then have another lock-down and there was non stop partying at Downing Street where rather than 'all the rules were followed', none were so 10 Downing Street was the most fined house in the nation.
The Inquiry then will not teach us anything new about the feckless Johnson and his appallingly bad Government but it will make sure the history books have an accurate description of exactly what happened and how awful Johnson was at dealing with it.