FOAB Information

Sunday 14 January 2024

2024 Election Year For 49% Of Globe

2024 is not just an election year in the UK but in a strange quirk, 64 countries representing 49% of the people in the World will be heading to the polls and some will have consequences for years to come.
Here in the UK the ruling Conservative Party are lagging 22 points behind Keir Starmer's Labour Party and they are openly talking of a wipe-out with that translating into 420 Labour seats equating to a landslide 190-seat majority which would keep the Tories locked out and virtually ineffectual in any Commons vote.
In the last few days Taiwan has voted Lai Ching-te and his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) into power, further inflaming tensions with China who have expressed the desire to re-unify it, using force if necessary.
Vladimir Putin is once again standing for office and nobody is doubting he will win comfortably and increase his 23 year tenure which brings little hope for an end to the war in Ukraine and in Pakistan and India with Human Right Commissioners stating they don't expect either to be free and fair with pre-poll rigging already exposed in Islamabad and Narenda Modi's party in New Delhi have been shown to be clamping down on political opponents, interfering in the judiciary and muzzling any idea of a free press.
South Africa's election in March is set to be highly contested with the ruling ANC party in turmoil after
allegations of corruption in government and state-owned companies and in Tunisia, which has been in a state of emergency since 2015, voters will be acting under a controversial new constitution which is set to be boycotted by many Tunisians and election monitors are expected to be banned.
Argentina voted Javier Milei into power who calls himself an ultra-conservative and a South American Donald Trump who is promising to introduce sweeping changes to his country while Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela is facing the electorate which has become easier once his biggest rival was disqualified from holding public office for 15 years for alleged corruption.
Mexico is also in an election year but it is across the border in the United States where most eyes will be turning in November to see if Trump v Biden II leads to a different outcome this time and the chaos and incompetence of the previous Trump Presidency is due for a re-run.