FOAB Information

Friday 26 January 2024

Don't Believe The War Talk

A line i seem to have heard recently is how we are changing from a post-war world to a pre-war world and the newly appointed Defence Secretary, Grant Schapps, channeled his inner George W Bush by announcing his own 'axis of evil' speech with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran name checked as 'belligerent autocratic states' threatening Britain.
This followed a NATO official saying the West should prepare for all-out war with Russia within the next 20 years and should begin building capacity to produce weapons to sustain a lengthy conflict and governments should be talking to their citizens about mobilization, more reservists and even conscription.
So far so 1980's when a war with Russia was always seemingly on the verge of breaking out and we HAD to keep our nuclear deterrent otherwise there would be as large smoking crater off the coast of continental Europe where the UK used to be and so it was with Schapps who went on to emphasise just how important the UK's nuclear deterrent is.
As for conscription, there was very little enthusiasm amongst the Millennials and Generation X'ers who would be politely asked to go and get themselves killed wherever the Government sent them and can't say i blame them, George W Bush and Tony Blair sent almost 5,000 young UK and US men and women to their deaths in Iraq based on lies so i wouldn't trust them with my drink while i went to the toilet let alone my life.
The 'importance' of our nuclear warheads is purely down to the Government being conscious that a £150 billion which we will never use (or if do use will be the last thing anyone ever does) is a lot of money when they are supposedly bursting every sinew to drag our economy out of the death spiral they have instigated and that 'only thing keeping us safe' excuse has been wheeled out by every flavour of Government since i was a kid and is a red herring with flashing lights.
Russia has always been a bogeyman, China, North Korea and Iran have been recently added because the West need a bogeyman or two to keep us safe from and Russia invading Ukraine was manna from Heaven for people who have an interest in military spending so i say to the Millennials, don't be duped.
Russia invading Ukraine doesn't lead directly to the Red Army marching through Europe and ending up on our beaches and nor does China whatever action it takes in Taiwan, the danger there is if us (as in the West) stick our oar in and inflame the situation.
North Korea is the global equivalent of that bloke at work who wears Hawaiian shirts so everyone notices him and Iran may be a big player in the Middle East but that's like being in the top three of Footballs Second Division.
If anyone is going to spark a war then it will be the West, either NATO, the USA or the UK, look at who at been the most warmongering since the turn of the Century if you are looking for a precedent so don't worry youngsters, we were told the same thing when we were your age and we are still here.