FOAB Information

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Today Is...Apple Announces The iPhone

Today in 2007, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that he was going to reinvent the phone as he unveiled the very first iPhone and in the first week it sold 270,000 in America and the one million within 74 days although it took a little longer for it to take off in Europe where we carried on with our Blackberry's
and Nokia's until Apple significantly dropped it's price.  
Until the iPhone came about, Apple's history has been very up and down, their computers were bested by PC's and Microsoft and after years of twiddling their thumbs they turned to MP3 players and mobile phones of which we are now up to the 15th Generation at £1200 a time and at some point around the iPhone 7 they made the decision to remove the headphone socket but to make up Apple would flog you a set of compatible Bluetooth headphones for £200 and it could have just been a happy coincidence that Apple owned the number one selling Bluetooth headphone company, Beats. 
As the iPhone price increased for the newer models and it was shown that Apple were deliberately damaging the performance and battery life of older models, forcing users to upgrade to new phones, Apples profits dipped as consumers turned their backs on high-priced smartphones but before anyone starts to feel sympathy for Apple, according to an analysis by research firm IHS Markit, the parts for the £1200 iPhone costs £264 which means that Apple have been making monster profits on their devices for years so the shareholders won't be begging for change or going short for a while yet.
Apple is facing competition from a multitude of rivals from around the globe, all vying for a slice of the lucrative smartphone market and matching or exceeding Apple’s iPhone on hardware quality but costing much less.
Apple got greedy and took it's users for mugs who would pay anything to get their hands on the Apple phones but they are now finding out that maybe they were not as big a mugs as they thought and i'm glad about that.

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