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Tuesday 2 January 2024

Today Is...World Introvert Day

We all feel a bit shy or reticent in certain situations and we tend to deal with that by avoiding those situations or those type of people but it gives us a small insight into the world of the Introvert who feels like that in most situations.
Some sage advice i was given and which i have always passed onto my students as they graduated and left to strike out into the World of work is to remember that feeling of insecurity and nervousness on your first day in work and how you desperately scan the room looking for a friendly face to throw an arm around you and guide you for those first few scary weeks and when you see another new employee wearing that same worried and confused expression as you on that first day, remember how that felt and be the friendly face everyone is nervously hunting for.
Being an Introvert should not hold anyone back and they have been responsible for some of the greatest achievements in history, as well as being some of the most brilliant minds in the world.
Albert Einstein was painfully shy but said that the time he spent alone stimulated his creative mind and that must have worked because he came up with the theory of relativity and it is a view shared by fellow introvert Bill Gates who became the worlds richest man by using his shyness to go off and think about a tough problem such as why is there not a Computer Operating System which crashes when you try and run two applications at the same time.
Sir Isaac Newton and Rosa Parks are both historically important figures and despite them both being timid and shy, she stood up against a busload of racist bigots and he formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, JK Rowling was too shy to ask if anyone had a pen whilst coming up with the idea for her Harry Potter books whilst sat on a train and kept it in her head until she got home. 
Another introvert who changed the World, or at least the part he lived in, was Mahatma Gandhi who said that he could shake the world in a gentle way and another quiet type who preferred his own company was Charles Darwin who really did change the World.
Elon Musk may come across as confident but he admits that he was wreaked with shyness when he started out and Frederic Chopin never got over his, only giving 29 public performances in his lifetime so don't be held back by your shyness, embrace it and know that we know who are the best listeners, most observant and thoughtful people who make the best quality friends and it isn't the over confident shouty types.

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