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Saturday 20 January 2024

Today Is...World Religion Day

'But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me' - Luke 19:27

I gave up debating religion a long time ago as no matter how much evidence and proof you offer, the religious folk are to blinkered to see it so save your breath as there is no point, no minds will be changed by logic.   
Religion has always been a movable feast with one which was absolutely the truth being replaced by another which is the new absolute truth and that in turn replaced proving that religions are born, grow and die before turning into myth such as happened to the Roman, Greek and Norse Gods of old.
When Marx famously said that 'religion is the opium of the masses' he meant it was something that kept them docile and controllable and the German couldn't have been more correct as it is exactly what religion is, the most powerful comfort blanket possible.  
Religious groups believe in their own views and damn all others or worse, as the Jesus quote above shows, kill all others, so quite how religion can considered a force for good is beyond me.
Five minutes of the News will reveal one group killing or oppressing another group because they believe in something different to them so believers fight to their death, or in most cases to the death of others, to hold on to their religion against other religions.
Religion should be an insult to our intelligence but they cherry-pick the bits they like to suit their own beliefs, the full line regarding homosexuals is to consider it wrong and to put them all to death but while almost all religions cling to the first bit, you won't get many advocating the second part especially in the Christian World because they find that part repugnant despite it being their God's will and in the same paragraph in the Bible as the first.
Not that religion is entirely to blame for human blood lust, we would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things even if religion didn't exist but religion makes it easier to hate people who don't believe in your flavour of God.
Even worse, by forcing it on a child before they are old enough to go to school just indoctrinates them more fully and perpetuates the myth that some people are 'better' than others.
Atheism and agnosticism is on the rise, especially with the upcoming generations, with science providing the answers where Religion once provided them and the moral convictions at odds with their own beliefs so the future of religion could be that religion has no future at all although i don't think religion will ever die out entirely.
There will always be people looking for easy answers, but i can see how Voltaire's line that man will invent the God they need being at the forefront and the next religion to gain superiority will follow the lines of previous religions and take the bits they want from all the others although less restrictive, less controlling and certainly more inclusive and that will become the absolute truth and Jesus, Muhammad and all the rest of today's deities will end up with the likes of Jupiter, Odin and Zeus in mythology.


  1. Not for atheists to prove you religious wrong, Extraordinary claims must show extraordinary evidence. Atheist leaders compared to religious leaders? Would be funny if I didn’t think you were deluded enough to actually believe it.

  2. You said I haven’t disproven God so I replied I don’t have to, you have to prove it as you are making the extraordinary claim. Everything else is your usual attempt at flannel.
