FOAB Information

Saturday 13 January 2024

Today Is...Wyatt Earp Dies

In the Wild West your career opportunities were limited to three jobs and Wyatt Earp became an outlaw and lawman but he never bothered with the cowboy job despite that coming with a stylish hat and boots but the job was staring at cows for weeks and stomping through ankle-deep piles of cow turds the whole time as they slowly lumbered their way toward trains to be loaded up, far more excitement to be had both breaking and enforcing the law.
As a young man he was arrested for horse theft and thrown in jail but escaped and headed for Illinois where his brother ran a brothel but when that got busted he went to Wichita with another brothel owning brother but Wichita was a lawless town and when he turned up and saw an advert for a Marshall, they handed him a star and a gun and that's where he learnt his trademark move, whacking people over the head with the gun butt.
Unfortunately the first man he beat the ever-loving tar out of was also a Marshall so he skipped town to Dodge City and joined the Marshal's Office there and came across a Tuberculous infected dentist called Doc Holliday coughing up his guts.
Dodge City was not fond of his shoot-first-dont-bother-asking-questions-later style of law enforcement so he moved on to Tombstone and the coughing Dentist went with him and as his brother was the Marshall there, he was made deputy and began a feud with a bunch of rustlers.
Doc started it, arguing over a card game with the Cowboys and Earp broke up the argument by pulling his signature move and boinking two of them over the head with his gun butt and that escalated to him, his brother and Doc facing five cowboys, two with big headaches at an empty lot behind the OK Corral and 30 seconds later there lay three dead cowboys.
The gang didn't take that laying down, apart from the ones lying down with holes in them obviously, and came back and shot his brother so he began tracking them down and riddling them with holes but apparently shooting fella's for vengeance is frowned upon in law circles so they tried to arrest him so he ran off to New Mexico and found himself refereeing the fight between Bob Fitzsimmons and Tom Sharkey.
He ended up at Hollywood working as an unpaid Western film consultant and died of cystitis today aged 80 years old.

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