FOAB Information

Sunday 11 February 2024

Right Wing Broadcasters Lose Out In OfCom Battle

When GBNews launched in 2021 and TalkTV in 2022 launched their services, both aimed their direction of travel towards the right wing of the nation in what they considered to be a British version of Fox News but what they both seemed to overlook was that while Fox News can pretty much make up whatever they want without consequence in the States, in Britain Broadcast News is regulated by OfCom who take a dim view of biased broadcasting and came down heavily on both.
GBNews was such a regular recipient of OfCom fines for being unfair and unbalanced, that they told the staff that they would need to start paying their own fines as the station could not afford it as they had problems enough attracting advertisers and they were losing enough money hand over fist as it was.   
Both services lost staff and toned down the right-wing rhetoric but with GBNews posting losses of £30m and TalkTv £34m and without advertisers willing to pay to be associated with either TV Company that have so few viewers and pushing such publicly toxic views, something had to give and that seems to be both are discussing a merger.
TalkTV is owned by Rupert Murdoch and despite having the weight of global media empire News UK behind it, there are some shows which literally have nobody watching while GBNews have a smilialrly poor footprint but some bigger name presenters so it would seem a sensible solution, especially now that Piers Morgan has thrown his toys out of the pram yet again and left, taking his talk show to YouTube.  
Rumours are if the merger doesn't happen Murdoch will pull the plug on TalkTV and he does have a history of yanking loss making ventures while GBNews owners are 'concerned' that they have failed to attract an audience and the constant visits from OfCom who will be the biggest loser if they go under, their finances must have improved immensely since both station began broadcasting.
Personally, i have never been a supporter of the phrase: 'I may not like what you say but i will defend to the death your right to say it', to my mind i would prefer you didn't say it in the first place and kept your ignorant face shut but this is Britain, not America which has a higher threshold of ignorant, racist
nonsense spouted by TV Presenters and you either ensure you give a balanced view or else OfCom staff have an amazing Christmas Party.