FOAB Information

Sunday 18 February 2024

Salt In Tea? WTF????

Great Britain and America have had a few disagreements over the years but generally they end amicably, obviously there was that time in the late 18th Century when our former colony went to war with us to try and ensure that we would stay ruling them but we told them sort it out themselves and nobbed off to other parts of the World to teach them cricket, rugby and how to drive on the left hand side of the road but America got on the best it could without the British guiding hand but one thing it never seemed to master is how to make a cup of tea.
Many discussions with American's leads me to believe that tea over there is either iced, microwaved or created with the hot tap but bless 'em, everyone likes a trier and a professor of chemistry at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania has announced that the way to make a perfect cup of tea is to add a pinch of salt to it.
As you may expect, tea spoons all over our Green and pleasant land where dropped as we digested the news of an American...trying to tell us how to make a perfect cup of adding salt. SALT!!
It was always going to go one of two ways, either the British public would laugh, sigh and say 'those crazy yanks' or the telephone system at the Foreign Office would be gummed up with angry Brits demanding we go over there and slap them around a bit until they jolly well stop talking such nonsense.   
As luck would have it the American Embassy in the UK foresaw the growing anger and was quickly on Social Media, writing that the claim itself needs to be taken with a large pinch of salt and conceded that the idea of adding salt to tea had 'landed our special bond with the United Kingdom in hot water.'
'We cannot stand idly by as such an outrageous proposal threatens the very foundation of our Special Relationship' it continued before reassuringly stating that: 'The unthinkable notion of adding salt to Britain’s national drink is not official United States policy and never will be. The US embassy will continue to make tea in the proper way – by microwaving it.'
Crisis averted, so we can all now just sigh, say 'those crazy yanks' and enjoy our 4pm tea-time safe in the knowledge that those Embassy people may not get tea drinking, proper chocolate or the letter U but they do seem to be catching on to the British sense of humour.